pr rich media release

Adding Digital Media Assets to Press Releases Can Increase the Odds of Success

The humble press release has become a lot more interesting in recent years. Long a standby of businesses and other organizations looking to get a message out, the press release remains a useful tool for purposes of these kinds and related ones. The increasing digitization of news agencies, though, has also opened up some entirely new opportunities for those who can make use of this important outlet.

The most noticeable of these has been the growing acceptance and even enthusiasm for releases that include digital media assets. While text will remain the backbone of just about any successful release, those that are supplemented with media like video, pictures, and audio frequently attract the most attention. Making it easy for journalists to add attractive new multimedia pieces to their credits, these releases often experience impressive uptake and meet with wide audiences. Providing these kinds of assets also allows companies to further hone the angle and character of a particular story, making it even easier to build momentum on the results.

Creating a pr rich media release is not necessarily always straightforward, though. It is important that every asset bundled with a release should support its basic point and purpose, because it is relatively easy to become distracted. While a journalist might be genuinely interested in investigating a release that includes multimedia assets, most will turn away just as quickly if they feel their time is being wasted.

The assets that are included with a pr rich media release should also be designed for reuse and other forms of co-opting. This typically means including assets that are not overly compressed or trimmed down, so that journalists can perform their own work of this kind to suit their needs. Some experts, for instance, recommend including digital photographs in the .RAW file format, despite their large size. Because pictures of this kind will contain the most possible digital information, they give journalists and their editors more in the way of freedom.

With notice being taken of these minor points, though, creating a pr media release of this kind can easily prove to be highly rewarding. It is not to be expected that every such release will spawn stories or be reported upon, but adding media elements will likely improve the chances of success. As with every pr ultimate results will depend on any number of factors, probably even including, to an extent, simple luck, but providing multimedia assets is rarely a bad idea, in practice.